Who we are
Tech. Lic. M. Sc. Luis Lopez Martinez, LETS Global AB
Luis Lopez Martinez received his M.Sc. Naval Architecture from the KTH – Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden in 1986. He went on and received his Licentiate Engineering degree within Fatigue Behavior of Welded High-Strength Steels while working at the Application Research Development at Swedish Steel Oxelosund, Sweden. After have been working for mayor companies such as Swedish Steel, Kvaerner Oil & Gas, TWI and Atkins Oil & Gas Luis decided to put all the knowledge he gathered through the years by starting his own engineering company dedicated to the Life Extension and Structural Integrity of Offshore Structures.
Then, in 2005 LETS Global started to work with the life extension of offshore structures with own developed ultrasonic peening equipment for treatment in-situ. The company developed its own ideas and solutions for operators who were facing demands for an extended service life of their already aging rigs. The company developed a procedure to extend the fatigue life of welded connections without producing heat, hence without disturbing the production and/or storage of hydrocarbon in offshore installations. Today the method is known as the LETS Global Ultrasonic Peening Procedure, and extends the service life of any full-pen weld by a minimum of four times. The method is today used in the field by BP, HESS and Petrobras among many others. Luis has since the beginning been the Technical Director of the company and is alone responsible for the development and application of the procedure.